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“You really shouldn’t tell people about your life.  It overwhelms them.  People just don’t live through the things that you have.  We’ve only seen them in movies.”

— Denise Ansley  (to Deneen Ansley shortly after their relationship began)

Born to an atheist father and a fundamentalist mother, Deneen Ansley learned early about opposing forces.  She delighted in the peaceful, lush forests that also harbored her father’s drug crops and provided cover for his crimes against women.  She discovered sex as a spiritual delight – and a weapon that could be used against her.  Her intellectual gifts were interpreted as malicious threats amongst the crippled mindsets of her surroundings.

Journey with Deneen through her polyamorous sexual discovery, her struggle to break free from the violence, and her ultimate acceptance of her intellectual acumen.  Revel with her as she comes to grips with the Dissasociative Identity Disorder that is ultimately responsible for saving her life.  Rejoice in her great spiritual awakening against an illuminating backdrop of stark beauty and contradicting hardships in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains.  Question, criticize, comment, in this alluring, interactive, autobiographical blog as she takes you in hand and leads you down dusty paths into the minds of rural America.

9 Responses

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  1. Yvonne says

    I am looking forward to indirectly sharing this journey with you and I hope it will be all you want it to be.

  2. Kate Anne Marsh-(J) says

    Good afternoon – glad you are doing your writing endeavors & hope you also get additional fulfilling & enjoyable options –

    Best –

    Kate A Marsh-

  3. Deneen Ansley says

    Yvonne, thank you! You have already been such a wonderful support person in my life that I expect nothing less during this endeavor. As far as this blog goes, I’m trying not to have expectations. I’m releasing my talent and letting it go where God wills it.

  4. Mike Bernier says

    Congratulations on taking the big step and getting this thing started! I also am looking forward to your future postings and watching where the journey takes you.

  5. charlene says

    you know i will be here as one of your biggest fans! best of luck and much success. i can’t wait to see were the adventures of your life takes all of your readers. sending much love your way…

  6. Deneen Ansley says

    Kate! I’m so glad that you are here to celebrate my blog’s launch with me! You are a wonderful friend. Be careful when reading this blog because I know that you are sensitive to issues of violence, especially against women. I’ve had some true experiences in my life that may be hard for you to read – but I’ll put a warning at the top of the ones that are very graphic so that people will know, and those who want to may skip those entries.

    Come back anytime!

  7. Deneen Ansley says

    Mike – what I’m hoping is that my readers will benefit from hearing about my journey. I know that this blog is all about ME, but it’s really all about YOU, my beloved fans. If it does not serve, in the end, to relay a message of transcendence and healing, I’ve failed at the heart of my task!

  8. Deneen Ansley says

    Charlene – I’m one of your biggest fans, too! More than any other single person that I know, you will relate to all that I plan to lay bare here, upon these pages. Thank you for being there to hold my hand through the hard stuff….

  9. rift gold says

    Good post! I plan to move into this stuff after I’m done with school, as most of it is time consuming. It’s a great post to reference back to. My blog needs more time to gain in popularity anyway.

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