Schemes of the Annunaki Part 2: Skin Job

[<] [>]  by R. Eric Smith[+]

21 March 2013

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Drabble Challenge #34

Prompt: green

part 2 of the series: Schemes of the Annunaki

"I want to get away from green," said Artorius. "I see green everywhere. It's so tedious and dull. The Annunaki Empire encompasses more and more green skins. I want something that stands out."

"Perhaps blue like the Sohleugir?" asked the transmogricist. "The northern climes have an effect on their skin receptors, it seems. Or, you could try a Saurian shade. Gold, yellow, or white?"

"Actually, I wanted to see if your machine, your Commutatus Veneficium as you call it, can do pink skin, like the humans," said Artorius.

"If you like," said the transmogricist. The power globe started to hum.




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