An Ode to an Accident

[<] [>]  by Mark Davis [*][^][+][@]

14 January 2012

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Drabble Challenge #76

Prompt: crash
It's a rainy day and I'm headed toward my brother's house as I usually do every week. For once I am not running late!

Driving along.
Rain coming down.
Heavy traffic.
Must be careful!

Minivan in front.
Red-light ahead.
Brake-lights come on.
My brakes pressed hard!

Breaks not working.
Van is stopped but my car isn't.
Time stands still.
My mind races!

Fear enters.
Wife in the passenger seat.
Kids in the minivan?
Truck behind me!

Can he stop?
Will I stop?
Must press harder.
Still not working!

Panic enters.
Time races.
I'm not stopping.
It's going to happen!





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