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[<] [>]  by Mark Davis [*][^][+][@]

23 October 2012

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Drabble Challenge #37

Prompt: clue

part 4 of the series: Puzzles

Once upon a time, there was a genius writer who came up with a very genius idea. He would make a series of puzzles. Each of these puzzles would be a drabble containing a word or words that must be emailed to him. These words would be in the form of a puzzle. Once he received this email with the correct words, he would send out an award! His latest drabble clue is, 'DADITDADIT DADADA DADITDIT DIT DITDA DITDADA DITDA DITDADIT DADITDIT'. If you want one of these awards just email the words contained in the clue to mark@




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