Bonus Challenges

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Current Bonus Challenge (Optional)

Include the following challenge words in a drabble: amusing, method, bug, briefly, glimmer, beyond, hesitance, claim, contact, mixed.

Bonus Challenge DrabbleAuthorDate Posted#Prompt
A New Beginning For the Social Media Age [bonus]R. Eric Smith[+]22 October 2014125 start

Previous Bonus Challenges

Bonus ChallengeWordsDrabbles
20 October 2013chalk, harness, battleground, wax, timeless, doom, imaginary, flicker, project, siren3
10 December 2012shamble, fragrant, disguise, lobby, snap, inside, lecture, patch, stable, absurdly6
30 August 2012from, express, major, improved, gave, travel, sold, greatest, noise, iron6
30 July 2012lump, possession, accommodation, planning, voltage, increment, cube, opposite, wall, on6
27 June 2012feel, background, plan, tendency, tag, understanding, tour, degree, viewer, many5
7 June 2012above, disappointment, emptying, tackle, debt, wood, colleague, gateway, can, month6
29 May, 2012convincing, roof, sink, tread, postcard, headache, dark, sequence, hurting, respect6
4 May 2012painting, traffic, bunch, sun, over, chase, vast, ear, stale, deputy7

April Fools 2013 Bonus Challenge

Bonus ChallengeWordsDrabbles
1 April 2013cnidaria, acetylize, erysiphe, beriberic, yucateco, acetometrically, whillikers, malgra, nonhygroscopically, bedrabbled3


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