Sue Bowers is a displaced 'desert rat' with a passion for feral cats, dingoes, and hybrid wolves. She enjoys all sorts of obscure stuff, new experiences, philosophising, grokking the Great Outdoors, and disrupting the status quo.
Ice Riders
published in Critical Mass and other stories
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50 stories
published in Shared Words: Volume One
Ice Riders: This story was interesting, I think, because of its brevity. All things considered, the idea of animals-attacking-animals is fairly simple, but it was written in a way that made it just as... intriguing? horrific? as the other stories in this compilation. The imagery was simple, but effective, and I think that's what made this story so strong. And, I liked the narration. Especially the way it ended - it leaves the reader with a feeling of... hopelessness, I think. Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by this addition to the compilation.
Rating: 4 Stars ~~ Britt on Goodreads
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