Could The Rogue have struck again?

by R. Eric Smith[+]

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(This drabble was written using Bonus Challenge words: Highlight First)

Drabble Challenge #114

Prompt: rogue

The construction project resembled a battleground. An ambulance siren wailed in the distance. Judging from the chalk outline, Detective Winters deduced that the body had fallen from a great height. Could it have been an unlucky construction worker whose harness had broken? Could he have have fallen to his doom from an upper scaffolding, fleeing some imaginary terror?

Winters saw the night clouds flicker under the wax of moonlight, as if to portend some timeless disaster. Detective Winters would have to determine if this death was the result of an accident, suicide, or homicide. Could The Rogue have struck again?




TitleDate Posted
Could The Rogue have struck again? [bonus]23 October 2013


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