Bridge Crossing Troubles

[<] [>]  by Deneen Ansley

15 May 2012

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Drabble Challenge #82

Prompt: water

“W’at er you kids doin?” he asks.

“Nutin,” one of his tousle-haired sons says, too quickly.

Shoving hands deeply into overall pockets the tired man addresses the ground. “Them there crops is gonna’ rot on us if’n ya’ll don’ git yer hineys movin’.”

“We’s just takin’ us a li’l break, Pappy,” the older boy reassures him. “We’re a’comin’. Right behind ya’.”

“Thank’ye’ boys,” Pappy mumbles, shuffling off towards the idling tractor waiting outside the barn.

Sighing with relief, the brothers stand, revealing schoolbooks barely hidden by hay.

“Jis’ wait! One day,” the older boy states, “we’re gonna’ make ‘im proud!”




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