Dream Job for a Bozophile

by Sue Bowers[+]

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Drabble Challenge #121

Prompt: drive

When the ad hit the papers, he gasped, "Could it BE? Could they ever have made work so perfect for me??"

But it's there...in bold print, stating: 'Circus in Town!' He looked up the address, and he hurried right down.

Polka dots, shoes and noses, all danced in his head...all his fantasies surely about to be fed.

"What credentials!" they cheered. "This guy's made for the show. Sure, his background's risque, but no kids need to know..."

"This is awesome!" cried Scott. "I'm the happiest man alive!

"...A WHOLE CAR filled with clowns, and I get to DRIVE!"




TitleDate Posted
Dream Job for a Bozophile25 April 2014


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