A Brief Interview with the Historian

by Sue Bowers[+]

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Drabble Challenge #32

Prompt: interview with...

"What prompted you to document the recently-extinct Humans?"

"We so-called 'historians' are their nearest genetic descendents. Their story is OUR story.

"We are compiling a library of 100-word essays--or 'drabbles', as they were known--for posterity's sake."

"What makes you qualified?"

"History is always told by the winners...in this case, the survivors. Precious few even write anymore. Though it may seem archaic and old-fashioned, we still use the Old Language--including historic grammar and proper, unabbreviated words."

"Just one more question, Sir. Why is it even relevant, to remember the Humans?"

"Son, we don't dare to forget them."




TitleDate Posted
A Brief Interview with the Historian4 July 2012


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