Schemes of the Annunaki Part 1: David Icke-ness

[<] [>]  by R. Eric Smith[+]

20 March 2013

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Drabble Challenge #29

Prompt: down the rabbit hole

part 1 of the series: Schemes of the Annunaki

British conspiracist David Icke tells of the Annunaki, an alien race of reptilian humanoids. He claims they've been infiltrating human society for years, replacing our leaders and royal families with look-alike hybrids.

It's probably not the first time world leaders have been accused of being aliens, but Icke claims the Annunaki are after our gold, which they chemically alter into a liquid form called monoatomia. This substance is injected into their bodies like a drug, and it's supposedly capable of enabling them to jump dimensions.

Is that how they found Earth? Did they jump down their own drug-induced rabbit hole?




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