Salem or Sink'em

by R. Eric Smith[+]

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Drabble Challenge #104

Prompt: proof

"The charge is witchcraft and willful congress with the Devil," intoned the judge. "Who brings forth these charges?"

"I do, your honor," said the farmer. "Silas Whitby."

"What reason have ye to make such accusations, Mr. Whitby?"

"She turned my milk sour and made my sow barren!"

"What proof have ye of these allegations?"

"She's old and ugly, and speaks sharply to the menfolk!"

"Very well. Sarah Osborne, thou hast been found guilty of witchcraft. I hereby sentence ye to be burned at the stake." He banged his gavel. "Next victim of mass hysteria, unsubstantiated heresy and local politics, please."




TitleDate Posted
Salem or Sink'em18 December 2012


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