Quaint Little Categories

by C. Scott Davis [@]

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Drabble Challenge #17

Prompt: quiver

"What were you thinking?" Eros demanded of his senior cupid.

"I just grabbed the wrong arrow."

"That's why they're colour-coded. You know humans find it disconcerting to fall in love with someone who doesn't match their orientation."

"But it seems so silly."

"It is, but that's not the point."


"I don't want to do it, but I'm going to have to reassign you to Crushes and Infatuations."

The cupid's face fell.

"It's only temporary, just for a few thousand years or so," Eros smiled reassuringly. "Who knows? Maybe by then, they'll have outgrown this obsession they have with labels."




TitleDate Posted
Quaint Little Categories23 August 2008


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